Dr.ssa Gniuli on Top Doctors Italia
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Dott.ssa Donatella Gniuli
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Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases are purely interinistic disciplines
and at the same time very specialized. They are interdisciplinary because
the endocrine system regulates all vital functions and all those related to
the reproductive system, but also because the patient affected by diabetes,
obesity or metabolic syndrome, thyroid problems, menstrual irregularities is
a patient with multiple co-morbidities. In other words, it is a patient in which
many pathologies coexist, including non-endocrinological ones, with
various types of therapies (from hypertension to heart problems to
anticoagulant therapies). At the same time they are very specialized
disciplines because they require specific technical and scientific skills, but
also psychological approach and management skills.
I have a solid clinical training, having worked in public facilities of high
clinical and welfare level; solid scientific training, having done research for
more than twenty years at the international level; but it is through the
empathic and human component that I try to convey my skills to serve the
All Pathologies:
Endocrinology is the science that deals with diseases and dysfunctions of
the body due to alterations in the synthesis, secretion, transport and action
of hormones, such as diseases of the thyroid, pituitary gland, adrenal
gland, endocrine-metabolic diseases (obesity – diabetes – gout), endocrine
diseases induced by medicines, high blood pressure of endocrine origin.
Dr. Gniuli is particularly interested in the diagnosis and treatment of the
following diseases:
Any specific examinations will help to understand if some foods interfere negatively with your metabolism. Nothing can be ignored, however, from a
dietary and lifestyle re-education.
Menopause itself is not a pathology, but rather a territory of integrated endocrine-metabolic changes. Thyroid function screening, weight control,
management of possible osteoporosis and any specific pathology is definitely a must.
Even in cases of perfect thyroid function but in the presence of elevated antibodies, guidelines and clinical experience indicate the use of thyroid
suppressive therapy before initiating pregnancy. This is especially true if assisted fertilization techniques are used.
Gynecologic guidelines do not mandate thyroid monitoring in all pregnant patients. However, endocrinological associations strongly recommend
thyroid function monitoring given the high risks of hypothyroidism in pregnancy and the risks to the proper formation of the fetal nervous system.
The doctor himself or some of the facilities where he practices are affiliated directly with major insurance companies.
Each visit consists of an evaluation of signs, symptoms and laboratory-instrumental tests, and therefore it is not a simple control of
analysis. In the case that a simple monitoring is necessary, the doctor will provide his phone and e-mail.
The doctor is always available for his patients either by mobile phone or email. Even during vacations and festivities.
Your endocrinologist is part of a structure where day-hospital and hospitalization can be carried out in agreement with the major insurance
companies. In this context you can be put in contact with other professional figures useful for the classification and treatment of your pathology.
I vostri feedback
“La migliore endocrinologa di Roma! Specializzata in PMA, anche grazie a lei sono incinta all’ottavo mese al’età di 43 anni e la gravidanza procede bene! Oltre alle competenze professionali, è anche molto simpatica ed estremamente generosa. La consiglio a tutti ad occhi chiusi!”
“Competente e accogliente, segue i suoi pazienti con generosità e attenzione, e ne riesce ad avere una visione a tutto tondo. Assolutamente da consigliare.”
“Bravissima e molto competente. Segue il paziente facendo attenzione a tutte le patologie. La raccomando caldamente, con lei sei in mani sicure.”