In the enchanting setting of Ponza, as every year, neuroradiologists and neurologists gather to talk about topics of fundamental importance.
To Dr. Gniuli again this year the task of a clinical framing focused on the physio-pathological mechanisms (those that induce pathology) related to toxic-metabolic diseases.
Rare pathologies, those genetically determined, but in constant increase those related to toxic factors such as alcohol and drugs, with important impact on the survival of the patient, his autonomy, his lifestyle and that of his whole family.
Because cellular metabolism affects the nervous system conspicuously and dramatically, and often the physician helplessly witnesses a set of symptoms he never wanted to see.
Therefore, in genetically determined metabolic disorders, the main elements involved are alterations in the metabolism of the digestive and respiratory organelles. The pathology consists of accumulation of substances (mainly lipids) or demyelination.
In contrast, in toxic pathologies, the damage is’ often direct toxic, in many cases (as in opiates) also mediated by an ischemic process, is conditioned by systemic pathologies (renal or hepatic failure), and very often the toxic substance “replaces” the metabolic support elements (Oxygen, glucose, water), inducing damage.
In Italy in 2023, about 3,000,000 people suffer from Eating Disorders.
We are talking about 5% of the Italian population, and unfortunately 30% of adolescents after COVID, of which 6% are under 12 years old (1).
Such an incidence is comparable to that of Diabetes (5.9%, 3,500,000 people) (1) and is higher than that of cancer in Italy (about 4% of the entire population) (2).
This figure is also alarming because it is growing and growing especially in the adolescent population, which is our future.
In DCA, pain makes its way into the body image, which is the first aspect evident on the outside of each of us, because one’s body becomes an impenetrable peel (in obesity), or transparent (in anorexia), and food becomes a cure (in bulimia) to the pain itself, and suffering , frustration vent in compensatory behaviors (the purging mechanisms), and obsession with the body,with food catalyze attention on a daily basis. Sunsets, the sea, the rays of the sun, the laughter of friends, the caresses of loved ones become pale and faint glimmers in daily life characterized only by a profound distortion of one’s body.
Early diagnosis allows the establishment of a course of treatment and care not only for the patient but also for the familiar surroundings. Therapy should focus on identifying vital risk factors, nutritional framing with cognitive-behavioral techniques, and individual psychotherapy (sometimes combined with group psychotherapy) and helping the family environment. Therapists all need to work together and for the patient by supporting the family and educating them, and must be able to have emergency referral points available to stabilize the patient where necessary (3).
1) Istat data 2023
2); cancer registry in Italy
3) clinical Practice Guideline for Eating disorders. Ministry of Healthcare and Consumer affairs.
Desserts at Christmas have always been part of the tradition of any Western country. Christmas parties without lights and sweets are not holidays, for everyone, whether they are diabetics, people with weight problems or people who have no disorders whatsoever. The important thing, however, is that this joy does not then turn into pain.
Therefore, a number of behavioral strategies should be adopted to properly manage this particular period but to enjoy it to the fullest.
Food has always represented a compensatory element of emotions and a gratification; the infant to calm himself down attaches to the mother’s breast and in this way often becomes pacified.
It is important, however, that the affective value of food does not conflict with our health, and indeed food helps us to live better.
Therefore, behavioral psychologists together with endocrinologists have compiled a series of tips to better manage social events and desserts.
1.) We enjoy the sight of sweets, enjoy window displays in which they are arranged, beautiful, colorful and gratifying even just to be seen. At most we buy a small portion to be eaten later in the day at the end of the meal.
2.) Instead, let us limit “the purchase of sweets” that will be used during the recurrence days 24, 25, 31, New Year’s Day and the Epiphany.
3.) Whenever we wish to eat a dessert always do so at the end of a meal : never eat it as a substitute for a meal, but always at the end of the meal itself by reducing the carbohydrates of that meal or eliminating them completely in the case of diabetic and obese patients, increasing protein and including at least three side dishes.
4.) Use a small dessert plate or even a bread plate in the case of the most important occasions by putting all the desserts you want to eat but all together without taking a second course.
These strategies will allow us to fully enjoy what we are experiencing but keep in check what is harmful to our health.
Merry Christmas to all of you and your loved ones!
Even the masks at least outdoors are removed. And we’ll be exposing ourselvesto the sun shortly.
It’s time to think about skin and the influence of food on skin. And yes, because studies show that Vitamin D levels, which are essential for the well-being of the skin, depend on sun exposure, but are influenced by baseline levels of Vitamin D. In other words: if we start with good levels of Vitamin D, sun exposure will strengthen and increase it.
Otherwise it will be almost useless.
Vitamin D, beta carotenoids and antioxidants are the natural allies of the skin and our health. In fact, foods rich in antioxidants and Omega 3 and 6 help reduce cardiovascular risk, reduce weight, maintain a high metabolism and have a very high content of Vitamin D, beta carotene and coenzymeQ.
Therefore, in order to keep the glycemic index under control, lose weight and take care of the skin, we start taking peppers, chard, tomatoes, watermelon, lettuce (rich in beta carotene), accompanying fish such as smoked salmon, tuna, mackerel, anchovies, octopus, (very rich in Vitamin D).
A tasty and quick idea? A nice salad nizzarda or Condiglione as they say in Liguria, prepared with lettuce, tomatoes and green beans (carotene, fiber and vitamin A) cucumber and onion (draining), tuna, anchovies, 1 hard-boiled egg and hard-boiled egg white in abundance crumbled (Vitamin D and omega 3 and 6). Two slices of wholemeal toast with seeds (wholemeal foods and seeds are
rich in Coenzyme Q), and lunch is complete and balanced.
But let’s get to the cheerier side of the argument! Samantha Mazzi, in addition to being the kind collaborator who often answers your calls, is an expert makeup artist at a professional level, having attended Stefania D’Alessandro course and working in high fashion as a makeup artist.
Donatella: Samantha, tell me about skin aging and the importance of facial
cleansing, especially during seasonal changes.
Samantha: First of all, skin aging is a completely normal, inevitable physiological process that affects all individuals, mainly linked to genetic factors and accentuated by the action of external environmental factors (UVB/ UVA rays, oxidative stress, pollution, diet etc). The sun rays specifically, going into the summer season, can have beneficial effects for the production of Vitamin D, as you rightly mentioned, but it is essential to take precautions for the skin. An incorrect or too prolonged exposure can have numerous harmful effects, both visible and invisible such as: erythema, sun spots, hyperkeratosis and photoaging (loss of elasticity and tone).
However, this process can be delayed or slowed down by working on prevention. We can counteract the factors that contribute to damaging our skin by adopting a healthy lifestyle and diet, including constant care of our skin and health.
How to best prepare your skin for the change of seasons?
Let me preface this by saying that our skin does not always have the same needs. These, in fact, change with the alternation of the seasons, because the skin becomes more delicate and sensitive according to external climatic variations. At the change of season it is therefore important to facilitate the process of cell renewal, to prolong, in this case, the tan and revive the dull complexion, caused mainly by pollution. Polluted air has an immediate effect on the skin of the face, which is dull and less toned, causing deeper consequences such as the production of free radicals (oxidation and premature aging of the skin) neutralizing in part the activity of antioxidant Vitamins E and C.
Here come into play two essential aspects to counteract this phenomenon. The health and beauty of our skin begins well below the surface, which is why it is important to include in our daily routine food supplements of natural origin. The “multi carotene” for example, is an antioxidant food supplement with carotenoids, which in addition to increase the protection of antioxidants in our
body and fight oxidative stress, protects our skin. Another more recent and innovative product, specific for our skin is a “nutricosmetic”. A holistic beauty system that combines supplements and drinks created in total harmony between nature and science, to go to enhance the outer beauty from the inside.
A food supplement that ensures a supply of nutrients to balance and protect cells from oxidative stress, for a radiant-looking skin with a natural glow.
The second aspect is a scrupulous cleaning of the face, the famous ” detersion “. By cleansing I am not simply referring to the removal of makeup with a makeup remover, but to the use of specific products (according to the type of skin: oily, dry, normal…) that helps to eliminate from the skin every trace of impurities, excess oil and makeup residues. In summary, if the face is not washed thoroughly, pores can become clogged leading to the onset of blemishes and rashes.
If we want to get the most out of a moisturizer, we need to minimize cell buildup, and that means using a good exfoliator. Twice a week I recommend a mechanical exfoliating scrub, which will stimulate the skin’s regeneration mechanisms and eliminate the superficial layer of dead cells that prevents the skin from looking smoother, firmer and more radiant. After this step, the skin will be more predisposed to receive the substances (active ingredients) present in the treatments that will be applied later. This will allow us, especially in the
summer season, to have a more even and lasting tan.
After cleaning, the next step, often underestimated, is the use of toner. Regular use of the toner helps to strengthen the natural defenses of the skin, restoring the physiological pH of the skin (which is altered with facial cleansing) and has the function of maintaining the level of moisture in the skin, which is essential to keep it hydrated. Finally, the toner makes the skin more “receptive” to the
following phases of the treatment, increasing its effectiveness and results.
It is important to finish our skincare with a serum and a cream.
In the skincare routine when we want to exploit the maximum concentration of active ingredients, a face “serum” is absolutely the best product. It complements and enhances the effectiveness of the cream, acting in synergy at various levels of the epidermis. It is, in fact, a treatment particularly suitable for the care of demanding skins. There are many different types of serums, each with a unique purpose and ingredients: some help brighten the skin or reduce blemishes; others focus on increasing hydration or fighting signs of
As a final step to rebalance the skin and provide it with the elements it needs to maintain its important barrier function; we apply our cream. I recommend the use of two different creams, in the morning a cream with sunscreen, to protect the skin from UVB/UVA rays and thus prevent the onset of spots and irritation.
In the evening a more emollient cream to keep our skin hydrated and elastic during the sleeping hours.
Donatella : Let’s move on to makeup now, what should be avoided when the
heat comes as makeup?
Samantha : The most important thing in summer is to let the skin breathe and to prefer heat and moisture resistant products. A light, breathable coverage with soothing or moisturizing properties and a reliable sun protection factor is the winning combination on summer days.
If we want to get a base with a natural effect and not too heavy, it does not mean that we have to avoid makeup, but simply replace our usual foundation with a foundation with a non-comedogenic formula, which allows our skin to
An excellent alternative can be a tinted cream or a bb cream. For the most obvious imperfections just a tip of concealer only on the area to be corrected, and a bit of powder to counteract the shiny effect. The advice is to use a few products so as to avoid sebum and sweat affecting our makeup. To emphasize even more the tan I recommend a nice blush and highlighter, preferably powder or with a cream to power formulation for a more velvety texture that blends with the skin very smoothly. For the eyes I would definitely avoid powders and focus
more on cream eyeshadows, bright, practical and more durable. As for the mascara, absolutely “waterproof” to avoid smudges and clumps throughout the day. Last step, lips, key word hydration. I always recommend having a moisturizing lip balm in our bags, preferably with sunscreen, to prevent the famous expression lines around the lip.
For makeup, I’d prefer a water-based lip tint to give a very natural complexion to the lips without drying them out. A very
versatile product that can also be applied to the cheeks as a blush, creating a natural blush effect. Otherwise, a nice plumping gloss is the way to go for your
Roma, 1 febbraio 2020 – Casa di cura Villa Claudia – I nuovi approcci all’infertilità di coppia: dall’iter diagnostico integrato al progresso
della tecnologia di laboratorio.
Questo convegno si propone di mettere in luce gli aspetti che negli ultimi anni hanno ottimizzato la riuscita dei cicli di Procreazione Medicalmente Assistita. Le diverse modifiche apportate
alla legge 40 che ha permesso l’introduzione della Fecondazione Eterologa in Italia, e il potenziamento delle tecnologie di laboratorio hanno offerto ai pazienti che intraprendono un percorso di P.M.A., nuove chance per superare il problema dell’infertilità. Inoltre l’approccio multi-disciplinare alla diagnosi d’infertilità, ha reso il percorso di coppia più corretto e rapido passando attraverso una valutazione combinata della coppia mediante un iter diagnostico integrato. L’introduzione delle nuove tecnologie di laboratorio ha migliorato la coltura embrionale. Attraverso una selezione naturale dell’embrione in vitro, coordinata alla biopsia embrionale con diagnosi genetica preimpianto abbiamo ottenuto più informazioni sugli embrioni che hanno maggiori possibilità d’impianto. Il risultato è stato una netta riduzione di gravidanze gemellari con miglioramento dei tassi di gravidanza e una gestione terapeutica della coppia più efficace ed efficiente.
65° TRASMISSIONE DELL’ASSOCIAZIONE A.I.D.A. Onlus “A ruota libera” su Radio Cusano Campus, FM. 89.100, dalle ore 9.10 alle 10.00 del 14.07.19 sul tema: Diabete: come e perché?